Our team comprises of expert wood workers, construction specialists, engineers and designers.

Restaurant design

Our services also include repairs, new hardwood floor installations, staining hardwood floors and more.

Indoor & outdoor

We also do hardwood floor refinishing and hardwood floor baseshoe installations for those floors that have seen a lot of wear and tear.

Corporate locations

Our restoration, repairing and staining services will leave your hardwood flooring looking brand new and gleaming. Add all of this to our years of experience in the field and you will know why we have an extensive client base with a high rate of customer satisfaction.

Our Services

Hardwood Flooring Installation

If you want a beautiful looking floor that is going to last you for decades and keep on looking good for as long — hardwood flooring is the way to go. With a wide color range that can match any kind of décor, hardwood flooring can give you that classic look to your interiors. Perfect for both homes and commercial installations like auditoriums, conference venues, dance studios, etc.

Hardwood Flooring Refinishing

Hardwood flooring looks great and is very long lasting but it too needs caring and maintenance. With prolonged use and neglect, your flooring might start looking dull and worn out. But that does not mean it has lived past its usability, far from it. All it needs is a bit of a rejuvenation to kick it back in to life. Refinishing hardwood flooring is a tough job — it takes a lot of time, the right set of tools and the right kind of expertise to get right. But the results are great looking flooring that is gleaming.

Staining Hardwood Floors

Staining hardwood floors is a great way of changing the way your floor looks. You can change your current flooring to almost any available stain colors in order to give it a fresh new feel or make it compliment your newly done interior décor. Whatever the reason is, you can trust our team to do a smooth and even staining job without damaging or accidentally staining anything else around the floor.

Hardwood Floor Repair

Our expert wood workers and construction specialist and can easily repair any problem you might have with your hardwood flooring. From loose boards to damaged areas and more — our team has extensive experience all kinds of repair work associated with hardwood flooring.

Frequently Asked Questions

Most frequent questions and answers

What are the advantages of Hardwood Flooring over other types of flooring?

Nothing says natural, warm and inviting like a well done hardwood flooring. It is far better option than wall to wall carpeting because it is lasts much longer. A simple ¾ inch hardwood floor can last up to a 100 years even with hardly any maintenance. And in that time, you would have to change your carpet several times and with very regular maintenance. Hardwood flooring also adds to the resale value of your home. No other flooring can do that.

How good an investment is hardwood flooring?

Hardwood flooring installation happens by nailing through the subfloor to the joists, which gives your home/building structural strength. This kind of flooring is a great thermal insulator. You will be spending far less on heating and cooling. Hardwood adds to the value of your home, increasing its resale value. It lasts for a very long time. Sometimes hardwood flooring can be rescued and reinstalled from builds that have been destroyed. Hardwood flooring is affordable today and it adds beauty and warmth to your house for as long as it is there, which can span across multiple generations. Hardwood flooring is fully recyclable and eco friendly.

What does Prefinished flooring mean?

Prefinished means your planks were finished somewhere else and then installed together at the site. If you go for prefinished, you might have some gaps and grooves between strips but it will be installed faster and without much effort. Site finished will give you a completely smooth look but it will take longer and is more complicated. Prefinished strips often have the advantage of hard factory-applied protective coatings. Adding these on site means a lot of extra labor.

When should I go for re-coating or re-finishing my floor?

If your floor looks worn and old, it may be a sign that it needs to be sanded down and refinished or re-coated. The way to know for sure is to take a tablespoonful of water and drop it on the floor. If the water beads and stays that way, your floor just needs to be cleaned or may be just have the stains removed. If the water soaks through after a while, you should consider getting expert advice from our team. If it soaks in immediately, it is time to get help immediately. Call us to set up an appointment.

Why are gaps and cracks appearing on my floor?

Cracks are very common in wooden flooring, especially if the planks are wide. This happens through years of natural thermal expansion and contraction of the wood. Small cracks will cause the floor no harm and usually will only appear seasonally. Just make an effort to maintain a moisture level of between 45% to 55% around the flooring at all times and everything should be fine. Wood tends to absorb moisture in wet conditions and give off moisture in dry conditions till it has achieved an equilibrium with its surroundings, so you have to ensure that the wood remains a healthy equilibrium in order to sustain it longer.

How to stop my floor from squeaking?

This is a problem that is common for older hardwood flooring with poor 3/8inch subfloor that reacts strongly to humidity changes. Their deformation often causes the wood to rub against them and cause the creaking or squeaking sound. The best way to get rid of this sound is to avoid using 3/8inch subfloor.

What are the most common types of hardwood flooring right now?

You have the 3/4inch solid flooring medallion that can be pre-finished or unfinished. There’s the engineered pre-finished or unfinished type and the longstrip pre-finished type. And there’s also the parquet unfinished and pre-finished type. You can also choose from a wide variety of exotic woods, designer, inlays, laser engraved patterns more.

Does hardwood flooring cost more than carpeting?

A good carpeting job will often cost you more than hardwood flooring and yet not last even half as long. Hardwood flooring may cost more than cheap carpeting but it will last you many times longer, hence costing much less on a per year basis. And if you add in the cost and effort of maintaining carpeting, it is actually cheaper than carpeting.

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